Joint 53rd South-Central/53rd North-Central/71st Rocky Mtn Section Meeting - 2019

Paper No. 7-4
Presentation Time: 2:35 PM


QIN, Yan1, PENNINGTON, Colin1 and CHEN, Xiaowei2, (1)Geology and Geophysics, University of Oklahoma, 100 E Boyd St, Norman, OK 73019, (2)School of Geology & Geophysics, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019

High resolution focal mechanism solutions for small earthquakes reveal diverse faulting mechanism within selected earthquake sequences in Oklahoma. In central Oklahoma, the Guthrie sequence shows sequential activation of different fault segments with different focal mechanism solutions within a complex conjugate fault system. The Cushing sequence show a main strike-slip fault with normal fault components off the main fault, and different slip direction along adjacent fault segments. The Prague sequence is dominated by right-lateral strike-slip events along the main fault trend, and left-lateral strike-slip events along a splay fault, but both normal and reverse faulting events occur at the conjunctions of the fault system. Current study includes other fault zones including the Fairview and Pawnee sequences. For the three aforementioned sequences, the largest events occurred within segments that have most diverse faulting types. The high quality complete focal mechanism catalog will help understand the role of fault complexity in the activation of seismic slip.