A significant MgO content (~1 wt%) in minerals of the dumortierite supergroup is an indication for high-pressure origin, while higher contents (>5 wt% MgO) were only found in ultra-high-pressure (UHP) massifs. Contrary, dumortierites from amphibolite facies rocks only have up to 0.5 wt% MgO, while samples of magmatic to medium-pressure origin (including granites and pegmatites) only exhibit very low MgO contents of ≤0.1 wt% MgO.
Interestingly, it was observed that the distribution of Mg between the two different 6-coordinated crystallographic sites in tourmaline seems to be related to the metamorphic grade. This relation might be used in future for developing a geothermometer. There is an excellent positive correlation between the overall Al content (of the 6-coordinated sites) of the investigated UHP tourmaline samples and the temperature of tourmaline formation. While magmatic tourmalines and samples from low to medium pressure metamorphic units can contain amounts up to 1 apfu (atoms per formula unit) Al at the Si position, especially at higher temperatures, in tourmalines from UHP massifs Al contents >0.1 apfu could not be verified at the Si position, even at temperatures up to almost 900 °C.
This work was funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) project no. P 26903-N19.