The Southern Hills aquifer system of Mississippi and Louisiana, USA is an excellent natural laboratory for studying the role of silicate hydrolysis in the origin and evolution of Na-HCO3 groundwaters in siliciclastic aquifers. There is a large body of water analyses, and the physical hydrogeologic setting over flow paths of 120 km is well established. The waters vary systematically in composition down dip from barely altered meteoric waters having compositions of 0.1 mM HCO3, pH = 5.5; to highly evolved waters with 3.8 mM HCO3, pH = 8.4. The down-dip waters then mix with saline waters produced by the subsurface dissolution of salt domes.
The concentration of dissolved HCO3 serves as a reaction progress variable. From HCO3 = 0.1 to 1.5 mM, in the up-gradient part of the system, there are approximately linear increases in dissolved silica, Na, and Ca with increasing HCO3, consistent with dissolution of detrital plagioclase feldspars having an average bulk composition of approximately Ab0.70An0.30 and the precipitation of kaolinite. With increases in HCO3 > 1.5 mM, the Na/H activity ratio increases significantly, but silica and Ca concentrations now decrease. The plagioclase dissolution reaction can now be described as: plagioclase + kaolinite + dissolved silica + carbonic acid yields (Ca>Na)smectite + dissolved (HCO3 + Na>>Ca). Downdip precipitation of calcite is another possible sink for Ca. Theoretical reaction path modeling calculations of incongruent silicate weathering have been presented in the literature for over 50 years. Other than this study, however, there have been few documented field examples over such a wide range of HCO3 concentrations.