We test this hypothesis with three 2D numerical models that use the ASPECT code. Model 1 starts with an area of topographic relief and thickened lithosphere, assuming this region underwent an earlier phase of shortening. Owing to its cool temperature, the mantle lithosphere is unstable, creating a downwelling that removes the lowermost mantle lithosphere. This is accompanied by a mantle upwelling that together with isostatic adjustment of the crust, induces uplift and generates an elevation of ±4.9 km in 90 Ma. However, the crust does not significantly thin, leaving a negative Bouguer gravity anomaly of ±500 mGal.
Model 2 follows the geometry of model 1, but eclogitization of the lower crust is included. Both the mantle lithosphere and the dense lower crust are unstable and founder into the deeper mantle. Following removal, the surface uplifts to ±1 km in 75 Ma. Lower crustal removal enhances crustal thinning, resulting in a gravity anomaly of ±30 mGal.
In model 3, there is no lithosphere thickening, but a dense block is placed in the lower crust to simulate the formation of magmatic eclogite. The lower dense block founders leaving a thin crust that produces a positive gravity anomaly of ±140mGal. However, the drip produces surface subsidence of ±1.3 km in 120 Ma.
None of the three models produces a simultaneous positive gravity anomaly and high topography that matches the observations. Future work will test the effects of crustal elasticity and variations in crustal strength, as well as extending the models to 3D.