We have conducted experiments on S-solubility in a sodic phonolitic melt composition (with, in wt% ~60 SiO2, 18.8 Al2O3, 10 Na2O, 5.5 K2O), at T= 930°C, P = 50-390 MPa, using mainly IHPV with controlled H2 fugacity and S fugacity roughly controlled by using samples with different amounts of S added as elemental S. Oxidation states range from approximately -3 to +3 log fO2 units relative to the NNO buffer. Depending on the amount of S added, the experiments range from nearly water saturated (low S added) to significantly H2O undersaturated (P(H2O) down to ~0.5*Ptotal), with significant fugacities of H2S or SO2 in the fluid phase, depending on experimental oxidation state. Sulfur solubilities in these alkali-rich phonolites are generally higher than those for dacitic to rhyolitic melts reported in other studies at similar fO2 and fS2 conditions. While previous studies have reported anhydrite stable in oxidized, S-rich andesitic to rhyolitic melts, in the studied phonolite we observe the stabilization of S-rich Sodalite (Haüyne) with up to ~12 wt% SO3 at pressures up to 150 MPa, whereas at higher pressures the phonolitic melts coexist with an oxygen-rich Fe-S-O immiscible liquid, but no anhydrite was observed. Additional work will help understand if Sodalite-Haüyne S (and Cl) contents in natural samples may be useful for estimating pre-eruptive S and Cl activities in magmas.