GSA 2020 Connects Online

Paper No. 28-2
Presentation Time: 5:45 PM


HAMMERSTROM, Alexander J.1, HEIMANN, Adriana2, CUMMINGS, Tiffany L.2, MURRIE, Allison3, PERTUNEN, Brett2 and BEARD, Brian L.4, (1)Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 627 North Pleasant Street, 233 Morrill Science Center, Amherst, MA 01060, (2)Department of Geological Sciences, East Carolina University, 101 Graham Building, Greenville, NC 27858, (3)Geological Sciences, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 104 South Road, Campus Box #3315, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, (4)Department of Geoscience, University of Wisconsin-Madison; NASA Astrobiology Institute, 1215 W. Dayton St, Madison, WI 53706

To better understand the effects that magmatic differentiation has on Fe isotope fractionation in a tholeiitic intrusive magmatic system, a systematic high-precision Fe isotope study was conducted for bulk-rock gabbros and ferrodiorites and bulk-mineral separates that encompass the magmatic history of the Skaergaard layered mafic intrusion. Measured bulk-rock δ56FeIg rocks values exhibit little variation (-0.04±0.01‰ to +0.03±0.03‰; 2-SE), remain within the average Fe isotope composition of the mafic-intermediate Earth’s crust (0.00±0.08‰; 2-SE), and are similar to those of ferrous Fe-bearing silicates (Ol = -0.12±0.05‰ to +0.01±0.01‰; Px = -0.10±0.03‰ to -0.01±0.01‰). In contrast, the Fe isotope composition of bulk Fe-Ti oxide concentrates (Mt and Ilm) vary significantly (-0.18±0.02‰ to +0.51±0.02‰).

Iron isotope mass-balance modeling and Fe contents of minerals were used to assess the influence of the relative abundance and δ56Fe values of Fe-bearing silicates and Fe-Ti oxides on bulk-rock δ56Fe values throughout the intrusion. Model results show that Fe-Ti oxides exert the greatest influence on bulk-rock δ56Fe values in Middle Zone gabbros where they are cumulus (12%-53%) and contribute the most Fe. In Lower Zone a and b and the Upper Border Series, magnetite and ilmenite occur primarily as interstitial phases (2-12%). Based on the mass balance, the higher abundance (< 95%) of Fe silicates relative to Fe-Ti oxides in these layers cause the bulk-rock Fe isotope composition to be close to the δ56Fe values of olivine and pyroxene. In the Upper Zone, even though Fe-Ti oxides are more abundant (5-20%) and mostly present as cumulus phases, Fe-rich olivine and pyroxene contribute more Fe, which causes modeled bulk-rock δ56Fe values to be less affected by Fe-Ti oxides than in the Middle Zone but more than in the Lower Zone. The higher abundance of low-δ56Fe Fe2+-rich silicates and ilmenite over high-δ56Fe Fe3+-bearing magnetite, and the balance between the two, explain the narrow variation in bulk-rock δ56Fe values throughout the intrusion.