South-Central Section - 54th Annual Meeting - 2020

Paper No. 23-18
Presentation Time: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM


GRAF, Autumn1, HALIHAN, Todd1 and AGNEW, Robert J.2, (1)Boone Pickens School of Geology, Oklahoma State University, 105 Noble Research Center, Stillwater, OK 74078, (2)Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology Program, Oklahoma State University, 545 Engineering North, Stillwater, OK 74078

Firefighting training facilities are of particular hydrogeologic interest due to potential impacts of firefighting foams and fuel sources. Electrical signatures from these impacts should provide resistive targets as both fluids are strongly electrically resistive. Weathering of hydrocarbons is known to produce conductive signatures. Electrical resistivity data were collected one meter down gradient from the secondary containment of a firefighting training area. The data were collected with a 56 electrode array at a one-meter spacing. The results are largely consistent with native geology when compared against the background area. The method did provide precise targets for additional investigation.