Lengths of lava flows and the controlling properties are not yet fully understood. Initially, George Walker (1973) stated that the mean effusion rate was the key constituent that enabled flow length. Later, Pinkerton & Wilson (1994) discussed the effects of marginal cooling and demonstrated more silicic flows are capable of flowing long distances. Subsequently, Harris and Rowland (2009) argued that it was the role of heat loss that inhibited flow length. The focus of this study is on what are the principal influences controlling flow length for valley confined, siliceous flows of andesitic, trachyandesitic (latites), basaltic andesites, and phonolitic compositions.
Using our field observations of the Tieton andesites, supported by additional literature of 177 lava flows with effusion rates, viscosity, composition. We use FLOWGO (Thermorheological model) to calculate viscosities, yield strength and crystal content related to the Tieton andesite to constrain physical properties for comparison with other flow types. Observations indicate the lava flowed down a broad valley where it entered a larger canyon, spread and stopped. The basal breccia, below the columnar jointing, show clast point welding grading upwards into densely welded breccia and finally into the columnar jointing. Modeling using FLOWGO produces a temperature of 1120°C with a viscosity of 6551 Pa s, crystal content of 35%, yield strength of 2x105 Pa, and a velocity of ~300 ms-1. Not all parameters are reasonable however, the model does show that longer flow lengths are possible if the basal temperature is higher and the crust remains immobile. In addition, the data supports previous work in that low cooling rates (well-insulated) and higher velocities would produce longer flows similar to the Tieton andesite as supported by field data.