The best exposure of a classic cyclothem sequence is in a former clay quarry. After operations ceased, ownership of the land passed to the county and was leased to the City for development as parks. Among the beneficiaries of the repurposed quarry pits are generations of geology students from across the Lower Peninsula. It is hard to overstate the educational value of these exposures. By our estimate, over 100 undergraduate geology students visit the parks each spring and fall, from at least a dozen different educational institutions. It is fair to say that the outcrops at Grand Ledge played and continue to play an important role in the professional development of many practicing geoscientists and geoscience educators in mid-Michigan. Over 100 geologists, from academia, government, and industry, signed a letter supporting preservation of the outcrops after the announcement, in fall of 2020, of plans by the City to expand the town’s water treatment plant, adjacent to the best cyclothem exposure. City officials were unaware of the value of the rocks exposed in their parks and expressed a willingness to work with geologists to preserve the site. This experience underscored the importance of establishing relationships with those who have oversight of these “greatest outcrops” to ensure their preservation for future generations.