Paper No. 15-4
Presentation Time: 10:50 AM
It is widely accepted that drumlins exhibit certain morphometric characteristics, such as asymmetric shape and preferred orientation that can be used to infer the direction of glacial flow. This study used a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to characterize the planimetry of the Laurentide drumlin field in western Erie County, Pennsylvania. The landforms (n=210) generally occupied higher topographic elevations, with the entire field stretching along Lake Erie shoreline in a general NE-SW orientation within a 40x20 km polygon. The 3-m DEMs published by the Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access were used for morphometric analysis via ArcGIS and MATLAB platforms. Drumlin long axes ranged from 237-2680 m in length, with the bulk of long/short axis ratios of 2-3 (highly elongated landforms skewed the mean ratio to 4.2). The plan-view area values ranged from very small (0.02-0.03 km2) to large (up to 0.75 km2) landforms, with more than half of the hill areas yielding values of 0.10-0.15 km2. The tight NW-SE orientation of the drumlins (mean azimuth: 334°) is consistent with the Ontario-Erie Lobe ice flow and their presence and distribution place constraints on the ice thickness as it expanded out of the Lake Erie trough.