Experiments were run over a range of Mg(aq) (4.4-66.8 mmol L-1), Ca(aq) (3.8-14.5 mmol L-1), alkalinity (7.4-95.2 meq L-1) and pCO2 (0.03-0.50 atm) values with Mg/Ca(aq) ratio ranging from 0.4 to 12.0 and Mg-calcite overgrowths were precipitated on pure calcite seed. Of the 25 experiments that produced at least 5 mg of pure Mg-calcite overgrowth, the mol% MgCO3 ranged from 0.8 to 23.0 and precipitation rate ranged from 102.49 to 103.95 μmolm-2 h-1.
The Mg-content of the solid showed no dependence on precipitation rate or pCO2 but a significant linear relationship was observed between Mg/Ca(aq) and the mol% MgCO3 of the overgrowth (mol% Mg = 0.0167•Mg/Ca(aq) + 0.0062; R2 = 0.82) that is consistent with previous studies.
On the other hand, solution chemistry and precipitation rate were not constant over the course of identical experiments conducted at relatively high Mg/Ca(aq) ratios of 7.0 and 11.0. For these experiments, solution pH, Ca(aq) and alkalinity increased initially and then decreased until steady state chemistry was achieved. These trends suggest that at relatively high Mg/Ca(aq) ratio an incubation period is required to facilitate the precipitation of a Mg-bearing phase probably through the structural modification of the calcite surface. These results suggest that surface structure should be considered in the characterization and use of kinetic parameters to better understand the occurrence and distribution of Mg-calcite in surficial environments.