Laboratory analysis identified or confirmed multiple tills within the Dows Fm., two tills within the Sheldon Creek Fm. and multiple pre-Illinoian. Most stratigraphic contacts, however, were first recognized upon initial inspection of the cuttings; contacts generally are marked by stratified sediment and weathering zones. Wisconsin-age tills are easily identified by high shale contents within the coarse sand. Two tills of the Middle Wisconsin Sheldon Creek Fm. are distinguished from both younger (Dows Fm.) and older (pre-Illinoian) deposits by higher carbonate contents. The younger Sheldon Creek till is distinctly sandier than the older, which suggests a means of distinguishing these two on a regional basis. At least 4 Middle Pleistocene tills are present in northern Iowa. The youngest of these is much sandier than the A1 at locations just to the south. In two wells, however, this youngest Middle Pleistocene till overlies a typical A1, separated by a thin oxidized zone and stratified sediment, respectively. Further study might focus on whether these two tills represent separate glaciations, or just a minor ice-sheet fluctuation.