The stratigraphic philosophy of New York geologists has long evolved toward a hybrid allostratigraphic-biostratigraphic-lithostratigraphic classification, wherein groups, formations, and bed-level units are generally time-rock units, which extend through lithologic changes. Lithostratigraphy is often ascribed to member-level divisions. Methods utilized include high resolution sequence-, bio-, event-, and chemostratigraphy.. The strong New York focus on time-rock relationships permits regional and global correlation.
The aims of this volume are fivefold: 1) update the 1975 Devonian correlation chart; 4) summarize post-1975 stratigraphic changes; 2) present details of strata and faunas not generally published; 3) summarize post-1975 geological and paleobiological research in a single source; and 5) in some chapters, present correlations of strata beyond the boundaries of New York State.
Eight of the authors are elected members of the International Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, part of the International Commission on Stratigraphy, comprised of approximately 100 researchers from over 30 countries world-wide.
The new Devonian of New York project comprises twelve often extensive chapters, a revised stratigraphic chart, and additional digital appendices. This volume is dedicated to Lawrence V. (Larry) Rickard, former Silurian-Devonian stratigrapher at the New York State Museum/Geological Survey. It will be published in 2022 in Bulletins of American Paleontology, as a 2 volume set in hardcover and paperback, and as digital downloads of individual chapters.