Paper No. 7-4
Presentation Time: 2:30 PM
With the new required analyses for the sustainability and resiliency of infrastructure, there is a need to understand and quantify the whole behavioral spectrum of the geomaterials that make or support the infrastructure. This study aims at understanding the mechanical behavior of jointed rock slopes from pre-failure state to failure and post-failure states. Progressive failure of slopes made up of jointed rocks occurs when the collapse of a critical part causes confinement loss and failure of other parts of the structure. In this study, we use the finite-discrete element method to analyze the failure and post-failure states of several jointed rock slopes with different joint patterns. The mechanical properties of the rock matrix and joints are kept constant for all the models, but the joints’ spacing and their orientation relative to the slope angle are varied. The initial failure is triggered in joints and interfacial contact elements by a strength reduction mechanism. The results indicate the failure mechanism and other parameters important for the analyses and design of resilient infrastructure surrounding the slopes. These parameters include, for example, the kinetic energy released by the failed material, as well as the runout volume and the runout distance of the failed materials.
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