We address these concerns and discuss quantum mechanical calculations that complement Pauling’s rules (Gibbs, Hawthorne, Brown 2022, Am. Mineral.) We also present a more realistic view of the bonded radii of atoms, derived by determining the local minimum in the electron density distribution measured along trajectories between bonded atoms known as bond paths, i.e., the bond critical point (rc). Electron density (ED) at rc is a quantum mechanical observable that correlates well with Pauling bond strength. The ED of a bonded oxygen is often highly distorted, with its bonded radius decreasing systematically from ~1.38 Å when bonded to highly electropositive atoms like sodium to 0.64 Å when bonded to highly electronegative atoms like nitrogen. Significant departures from the radius ratio rule in the analysis by George et al. (2020) is not surprising. We offer a more fundamental version of Pauling’s first rule and demonstrate that the second rule has a one-to-one connection between the ED accumulated between bonded atoms at the rc and the Pauling bond strength of the bonded interaction. Pauling’s second rule implicitly assumes that bond strength is invariant with bond length for a given pair of bonded atoms. Many studies have since shown that this is not the case, and Brown and Shannon (1973, Acta Crystallogr.) developed an equation and a set of parameters to describe the relation between bond length and bond strength. We also briefly discuss Pauling’s third, fourth, and fifth rules and conclude by discussing several applications of Bond Valence Theory to Earth materials.