GSA Connects 2023 Meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Paper No. 183-2
Presentation Time: 8:00 AM-5:30 PM


PROFFITT, Hannah, University of Kansas, Department of Geology, Slawson Hall, G170, Lawrence, KS 66045 and TSOFLIAS, Dr. George, University of Kansas, Department of Geology, Ritchie Hall, RM #354B, Lawrence, KS 66045

The state of Kansas has recently experienced an unprecedented increase in seismic activity. Studies have identified high-rate wastewater injections as the primary cause of induced seismicity. With growing interest in geologic carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration, there is concern that such projects might also induce earthquakes. To address this, the Department of Energy, in collaboration with the National Risk Assessment Partnership (NRAP), has established standard guidelines for new CO2 sequestration projects in the United States. The NRAP recommends a series of steps to be taken before injection operations commence, including the establishment of an active, local seismic network to monitor background seismicity for 6-12 months. To better understand the susceptibility of potential sequestration sites, efficient and affordable earthquake monitoring equipment is needed. This study utilizes the low-cost Raspberry Shake 3D seismometer and readily available components, such as wireless modems, solar panels, and weather-resistant housing. Currently, five Raspberry Shake seismometers have been successfully installed and are operational near Bushton in the Central Kansas. Each station comes at a cost of approximately $3,500, offering a significant advantage over commonly used broadband seismometers that can cost more than $30,000 per station. Since the completion of the installation, the network has detected small local seismic events occurring at distances of only a few kilometers, events that went unnoticed by state and regional monitoring networks.