GSA Connects 2023 Meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Paper No. 152-9
Presentation Time: 10:20 AM


WATERS, Laura, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM 87801 and MOORE, Gordon, ARES, Expet Research, Jacobs Technology, Inc., Houston, TX 77058

Rhyolites domes that erupted from Valles Caldera following the Bandelier Tuff, are crystal-rich, effusively erupted, yet lack significant microlite crystallization. Sanidine crystals within these rhyolites make up ~5-14% of the sample and are relatively large (0.25-2mm), blocky, unzoned, and euhedral. The sizes and textures of the sanidine crystals are suggestive of cooling-induced crystallization. We test conditions that favor the growth of large crystals in a series of isobaric (125 MPa) dynamic cooling experiments, using an obsidian from Valles Caldera annealed at 1475°C. We annealed experiments at either 10°C above the sanidine-in curve (“super-liquidus”) or 10°C below the sanidine-in curve (“sub-liquidus”) for periods (5 min to 2h) prior to cooling the experiments to run temperatures (700 and 750°C), where they were held for 72-168h. Cooling rates varied from 4.5 to 280°C/h. We also seeded starting materials using 0, 1, 5 and 11 wt% natural obsidian. We collected BSE images of run products with a JEOL FEI SEM and processed them using FIJI. All experiments annealed for 5 min, retain hydrothermal crystallization. Sub-liquidus experiments (>1h anneal) have 20-25% sanidine, whereas super-liquidus experiments have 1-15% sanidine, where the most crystalline samples have the greatest amount of added natural sample. Sub-liquidus experiments have similar nucleation densities (6.5-7.7x103sites/mm2), independent of the mass of added natural sample. Super-liquidus experiments have lower nucleation densities (1.3-3.6x103 sites/mm2), where the nucleation densities increase as a function of the mass of added natural sample. Cooling rate does not appear to affect the run products at a resolution greater than image analysis affords. We find the largest crystals (~40-60µm) in the sub-liquidus experiments that also have the greatest degree of sanidine crystallization (~25%). Super-liquidus experiments all have crystals with maximum lengths of ~10-12µm, however, these experiments have 1-15% sanidine and do not reach equilibrium crystallinity. It appears that the super-liquidus experiments have the potential to produce the largest crystals over longer hold durations (>168h), as they continuously crystallize (i.e., grow) sanidine on fewer nucleation sites towards equilibrium abundances; forthcoming experiments test this hypothesis.