North-Central Section - 57th Annual Meeting - 2023

Paper No. 20-2
Presentation Time: 8:25 AM


ROLAND, Collin, Geoscience, Univeristy of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison

In 2013, water levels in the Laurentian Great Lakes began a multi-year rise and exceeded monthly records in 2019 and 2020. Elevated lake levels increase wave runup heights, exacerbating nearshore flooding and erosion of coastal landforms. While researchers have demonstrated that elevated lake levels are correlated with accelerated bluff recession, robust quantification of the relationship between bluff recession rates and variables such as water level, cumulative wave impact height, and incident wave energy remains elusive. Developing such relationships requires temporally and spatially dense observations of bluffs that are currently unavailable.

To address this information gap, we have collected repeat high resolution topographic data along six kilometers of western Lake Michigan. Bluff toes and crests were digitized using a combination of orthophotos, one meter LiDAR, and structure from motion derived high resolution (10 cm) topography. Between 2012-2015, when lake levels rose rapidly to elevated levels, bluff toe recession was minimal. Between 2015-2018, when lake levels were higher, toe recession rates were greater than before. Between 2018 and 2020, when lake levels were at their highest, toe recession was at a maximum. Toe recession rates subsequently declined as lake levels receded. Topographic information is available at a lower temporal resolution, but a similar trend of larger volumetric erosion rates during periods of higher water level is evident. In general, extensive steepening of taller bluffs has not yet translated to upslope crest recession, while erosion has propagated upslope to the crest more quickly on shorter bluffs. Our observations of widespread high-magnitude bluff toe retreat indicate that many of Wisconsin’s coastal bluffs are already committed to extensive crest recession due to the recent high stand.