North-Central Section - 57th Annual Meeting - 2023

Paper No. 10-7
Presentation Time: 3:30 PM


SCHUMACHER, Anne, Barr Engineering, Co., Grand Rapids, MI 49542

While sharing a personal testimonial can be slightly nerve-wracking and vulnerable, it is also immensely important in the context of promoting visibility and representation for LGBTQIA+ geoscientists. Throughout my academic experience, I did not have access to mentors that matched my identity, nor did I see representation of queer successes. These voices are important to amplify in order to continue to pave the way for others to thrive in safer spaces. In my thirteen years as a geologist, I have lived through a multitude of experiences that have shaped me into the professional I am today.

It is important for me to note that my lens of experiences and my successes have been shaped by many privileges. I am a white, cis-gendered woman, that has had an incredible amount of acceptance and support from family and friends. I have also had the financial means for and access to mental healthcare options. These are not privileges that everyone in the queer community benefits from.

The objective of this presentation is to share a genuine experience from a 30-something professional who has successfully navigated starting work as a queer geologist in the coal industry to boldly (and happily) living as an “out” environmental consultant. Discussion will include overcoming challenging situations many queer scientists face (e.g., workplace discrimination, masking, limited opportunities, etc.) and encouraging folks to take up space as their authentic selves in academia, the professional world, and their daily lives.