We will present a beta version of the USGS Geochron Database Explorer, an interactive web app that the public can use to view and download data. The web app was created using ESRI’s ArcGIS Experience Builder which allows for a customized interface and search tools. The web app serves geochronologic data that we recently released in the online USGS data repository, ScienceBase ( The map view interface of the web app allows users to identify available sample data for a particular geographic area, or to select data for a given geochronologic method. Selected data can then be downloaded in CSV, GeoJSON, and JSON file formats. Database information includes both sample-specific metadata, including interpreted ages, as well as individual analyses and metadata supporting interpreted ages, when available.
Moving forward, all newly generated USGS geochronologic data will be archived in ScienceBase and served on this platform and, we will expand the number of geochronologic methods represented as they are released in future ScienceBase data releases (which will be versioned through the same DOI). This effort is in partnership with the National Geologic Map Database (NGMDB) and is expanding to include partnerships with state geologic surveys. The USGS Geochron database explorer web app serves USGS-generated data in a readily accessible and searchable way that supports FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Repeatable) data principles and is consistent with the USGS mission to provide reliable scientific information.