South-Central Section - 57th Annual Meeting - 2023

Paper No. 17-5
Presentation Time: 3:15 PM


HAMILTON, Wayne and YELDERMAN, Joe, Department of Geosciences, Baylor University, One Bear Place #97354, Waco, TX 76798-7354

This presentation shares learnings from observing student participation in field aquifer tests required by Groundwater Conservation Districts (GCDs) then summarizes perceived benefits and recognized challenges. Participating in a field aquifer test teaches hydrogeology students in ways not duplicated by classroom simulations, case studies, or constructed problems. Conducting pumping tests to quantify transmissivity and storage coefficient values is time consuming, expensive, and requires infrastructure. Therefore, few students get to participate in an aquifer test and organizations cannot afford many tests conducted entirely by professionals. Partnering hydrogeology classes with local GCDs proved mutually beneficial. Students were able to experience the planning, preparation, and data collection related to the analysis while local GCDs reduced costs. The hydrogeology classes at Baylor University planned and conducted aquifer tests in cooperation with a GCD and a licensed professional hydrogeologist employed by the GCD. This partnership ensured timely results for the GCD and provided a professional comparison for the student analyses. Students authored a report with professorial guidance and provided it to the GCD. The student benefits included experiential learning, motivation from knowing the GCD would use the results, and authorship in a document they could show prospective employers. The university benefitted because infrastructure was provided by the well owner and the GCD. The GCD benefitted by receiving a more extensive and affordable report. The greatest challenge was scheduling. These learning opportunities often occurred with short notice requiring quick schedule adjustments but appeared to be worth the effort and similar partnerships are encouraged.