Call for Papers
GSA Connects 2024 Meeting in Anaheim, California
Submitting abstracts to Connects 2024
Familiar with the process? Scroll down to the bottom for links to the various sessions.
- GSA offers nearly 200 sessions into which you can submit your abstract(s). Please peruse the Topical, Special and Late Breaking, and Pardee sessions to determine if there is a session that is a fit for your abstract(s). You can also use the search tools to filter sessions related to your research. If you find one that is a fit, simply select the title of the session to which you would like to submit.
- If you do not see a topic that is a fit, please chose "Discipline" and select the category under which your paper should fall to be included in the general discipline session for that category.
- If you would like your abstract to be in a different session from where you started the submission, or you would like to switch the presenting author to someone other than yourself or add/reorder coauthors, please contact Heather Clark for assistance. Please don't withdraw your abstract and start over!
- You do not need to finish your submission in one sitting. You may return to the portal to make edits/additions up to the submission deadline of 18 June.
- You may submit up to two (2) abstracts, one oral and one poster, OR two posters. This is to help decrease the number of potential conflicts on your end as a presenter. The only exception to this rule is if you have been asked to be an "invited" speaker and provided a speaker PIN.
- Please have your co-author(s) information ready. This includes an email and affiliation for your co-author(s). There is a search function for your convenience. Please cross-check the emails to ensure you are selecting the correct individual and confirm if necessary.
- Please make sure your abstract text description is the final version, free from spelling and grammatical errors, as GSA does not edit your abstract(s) prior to the committee’s evaluation.
- You may select "oral" or "poster" for the mode of presentation. If you do not have a preference, kindly chose “either.” The session conveners may override your choice if your paper fits in a session that has a mode different than your choice. You have an opportunity to request an accommodation for a specific mode; however, session chairs have the final say.
- Are you a student? There are many sessions designed just for you. It is highly recommended that you work with your advisor during the submission process and start early!
- You must pay to submit an abstract. Fees are based on the SUBMITTER'S member type (Member/$60; Student Member/$25; Non-Member/$80; Student Non-Member/$50). Abstracts fees are non-refundable. GSA accepts Mastercard, Visa, and American Express.
- Please click here for additional guidance.
Click on one of the hyperlinks below to begin your abstract submission:
-After clicking "Topical Sessions," please be patient while the next page loads.
PLEASE NOTE: You may experience trouble accessing the portal and get a "Bad URL" error message. If so, kindly try the following prior to reaching out for assistance:
- 1. Browser. First close your browser then open again. If you are using Safari - it can be troublesome. Try to use Google Chrome, as this seems to be the most reliable. 2. Clear the cache Regardless, please log out, clear your cache, and then log back in. It is likely the system is grabbing an old piece of code.