Call for Session Proposals

GSA Connects 2024 Meeting in Anaheim, CA

Technical Program Proposals 2024

Electronic Submission Required

Thank you for your interest in the GSA Connects 2024 meeting in Anaheim, California. The GSA Connects meetings begin on a Sunday and end the following Wednesday.  

We invite you to consider this year's themes when submitting your proposals.

Connects 2024 Themes 

Water in Our Changing World

Water, the lifeblood of our planet, is facing unprecedented challenges due to climate change. From the findings of the International Governmental Panel on Climate (IGPC) to the real-world impacts we observe daily, it's clear that our water resources are at risk. With extreme weather events intensifying and over a billion people without access to safe drinking water, the situation is dire. GSA's 2024 Connects theme "Water in Our Changing World" aims to address this crisis head-on, bringing together the brightest minds in the field to discover innovative, sustainable solutions.

Life Along an Action Margin

"Life Along an Active Margin" focuses on dynamic, tectonically-active regions where geology is in constant flux. This theme explores the challenges of living in areas marked by shifting terranes, dramatic mountain formations, and frequent geological hazards like earthquakes and landslides. It underscores the importance of geological knowledge in urban planning and sustainability. The meeting will serve as a platform for discussing the unique geological processes, biodiversity, and abundant natural resources of these regions, and will feature sessions and field trips highlighting the distinctive landscapes and tectonics of Southern California.

All technical sessions will be in-person for 2024.

Proposers Please Note: Before you begin to fill out the forms, in addition to text for pasting into memo fields, please have all of the contact information available for ALL of your conveners or advocates (full first and last names, full address and zip, phone, fax, e-mail).

Topical Sessions
Topical sessions are a combination of volunteered and up to two (2) session-chair invited papers submitted to a specific session. Invited speakers may present two other volunteered abstracts at the meeting, (one oral and one poster, or two posters). Session chairs may present in their own sessions, but cannot be one of the two invited speakers.  

Pardee Keynote Symposia
Pardee Keynote Symposia are prestigious events that highlight important scientific topics and/or issues of relevance to the geoscience community. All presenters and/or panelists are invited by the conveners. Pardees should not be viewed as glorified topical sessions. They are expected to be sufficiently different so that they will attract a broad audience and generate excitement in the community. Please note that Pardee proposals submitted in honor of an individual will typically not be considered.

The selection process is competitive. Pardee proposals should be carefully prepared, with attention given to all aspects outlined here. In particular, the proposal must specify clearly why the proposed symposium merits Pardee status. Thus, a statement of significance, stating the way(s) in which the topic is timely, important, and relevant to the geoscience community, is a key requirement.

Organizers have creative license and flexibility in structuring Pardee sessions. For instance, talks can be longer than in standard sessions, and may vary in length.  They can be coordinated with discussions, which may include panels or other non-standard formats, and seating arrangements can be modified. Pardees may stand alone as half-day sessions; they may also be integrated with field trips or short courses or coordinated with Penrose conferences. Many presentation styles are possible, from traditional podium talks, to panels, to interactive exhibitions, or any other format conveners wish to suggest. The Annual Program Committee considers format when evaluating proposals and may give added weight to those with more engaging, non-traditional symposium formats. Proposers should be aware that the aim is to attract and engage a large number of attendees.

We encourage Pardee proposers to contact potential participants ahead of time. It is not a requirement, but proposals are stronger when they include statements that specific individuals have committed to attend if the symposium is selected for the meeting. In addition, proposers should be as clear and specific as possible about the intended format of the sympiosium, as this helps the Annual Program Committee envision the event.

Pardee proposals should include a budget, using the budget template provided on the proposal form. Funds are available to support some costs associated with Pardee Symposia, as long as they relate to educational advancement in the field of geology. Acceptable line items include, for example, abstract fees for speakers, additional equipment that might be needed for non-standard formats registration and/or travel expenses to attract a high-level speaker who would not otherwise attend the meeting. However, costs such as registration for conveners, or for speakers/panelists who are GSA members and meeting attendees, is generally not approved. The Annual Program Committee may allocate the available funds to support one or several Pardee Symposia, depending on proposal merits and anticipated costs of implementation.

As you to prepare the proposal for a technical session, please think about including diversity in all ways-discipline, career progression, and individuals.

Your proposal will be strengthened by endorsement from GSA Divisions, Associated Societies, or allied organizations. Please be sure to contact each of your intended sponsors; for example, email the Division Chair to receive their commitment to endorse your session. Endorsers help to promote sessions through newsletters to their membership.
For more endorsement contact information, go to the JTPC Listings Divisions and Associated Societies page.

Ethics Disclosure 
All individuals submitting topical or keynote session proposals are expected to embody the ethical standards set forth in GSA's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. You will be required to be able to answer "NO" to both of the following questions to successfully submit a topical or keynote session proposal:

  • Has any court, regulatory agency, employer, or other public or private entity issued a restriction, sanction, ban, or any other form of discipline against you based on a finding that you engaged in professional misconduct of the type covered in GSA's Code of Ethics?
  • To the best of your knowledge, are you currently under investigation by any court, regulatory agency, employer, or other public or private entity for professional misconduct of the type covered in GSA's Code of Ethics?

Proposal deadline: 11:59 PM (Pacific Time), Monday, 5 February 2024.
Select the link below to submit a proposal to the GSA Connects 2024 meeting in Anaheim, California.

View, Resume, Edit or Withdraw a Submission:

If you have already submitted a session proposal, you may log in via the User Portal.