In rocks recovered from the California State 2-14 drill core, Li concentrations are highest in authigenic chlorite and decrease with increasing depth (270-580 ppm at ~2358 m and 70-100 ppm at ~2882 m); groundmass containing chlorite has up to 250 ppm Li at ~2358 m. Chlorite from ~2358 m depth is observed to encase pyrite in anhydrite-bearing rocks, indicating that mineral precipitation upon reaction between the hot brine and the metasedimentary rocks is important to fixing Li from the brine into the rocks at these depths. Metasediments from State 2-14 have δ7Li (relative to LSVEC) = +1.8 - +7.9‰. Below 1.5 km depth, there is a positive correlation between depth (and temperature) and δ7Li: rocks from the chlorite-calcite metamorphic zone have δ7Li = +2.0 to +4.3‰ and rocks from the deeper, hotter biotite metamorphic zone have δ7Li = +4.3 to +7.9‰. Conversely, whole rock Li concentration decreases from ~80 ppm at ~2358m to ~10 ppm at ~2882 m.
The geothermal brines sampled at commercial wells in a 8 km radius of State 2-14 have δ7Li = +3.7 to +4.7‰. The values of the rocks and brines overlap with the known δ7Li of many Li-bearing fluids and solid Earth reservoirs of Li, obscuring the origin of Li in the Salton Sea Geothermal Field. The difference in Li concentration and δ7Li between chlorite-bearing rocks at depth suggests that the partitioning of Li in chlorite between the brine and rock is temperature dependent – lithium becomes more incompatible in chlorite in the biotite metamorphic zone, indicating an important control of temperatures above and below 325ᵒC on the behavior of Li upon brine-rock interaction. Simple closed-system batch modeling using reasonable K and alpha values does not replicate the geothermal system, suggesting open-system behavior when it comes to the behavior of Li within the Salton Sea Geothermal Field.