With support from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) STATEMAP program, the Indiana Geological and Water Survey (IGWS) and Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites (ISMHS) are systematically cataloging in situ and ex situ geodiversity elements to develop a statewide geoheritage inventory. Geoheritage sites with scientific value, such as stratigraphic type localities and significant paleontological sites, are being geolocated from historic field maps and research publications; many of these sites were recorded in the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) and the assigned coordinate values vary in accuracy based on the detail documented. Sites with educational, cultural, economic, and/or aesthetic value are being compiled from guidebooks, nature preserves, historic landmarks, museum collection localities, and citizen-generated data sources. All resources are coordinated with the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s geological world heritage themes; assessed for accessibility, logistical facilities, and degradation risk; and linked with relevant IGWS, ISMHS, and Indiana Academy of Science publications. The statewide registry will support the USGS geoheritage geospatial product; inform the Indiana Natural Heritage Data Center on geodiversity resources; and provide guidance for future conservation strategies, tourism, and education efforts.