GSA Connects 2024 Meeting in Anaheim, California

Paper No. 69-6
Presentation Time: 3:00 PM


VAN DYKE, Trevor, Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State Universituy, 2237 Osborn Dr., Ames, IA 50011 and REBER, Jacqueline, Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011

Emergent drone technology combined with sophisticated 3D modeling software is an effective modern approach for exploring complex geologic landscapes. High-resolution three-dimensional reconstructions are an engaging teaching tool and allow for efficient exploration of large-scale geologic structures. Accurately representing 3D field observations on 2D maps can be challenging for many students. 3D models can help correlate discontinuous field observations by providing a broader perspective of the landscape and are a useful supplemental tool that offers an additional level of observational precision. Here I focus on work done for Iowa State University’s Geology Field camp in Shell, Wyoming. I produced models for three existing mapping locations where students are introduced to the basics of field observations. In the first example the task is to trace several paleosol horizons that are later correlated to past climate events. At this site, tracking contacts between paleosol horizons is difficult because of the discontinuous nature of the eroded landscape. Tracking individual horizons becomes more intuitive when aided by high-resolution models. The 3D model for the second exercise is used to help students correlate complex structures observed in the field and accurately represent them on a 2D map. The model helps to make spatial relationships between these structures more apparent. In the third example I present the use of a 3D model to explore a vast landscape. At over 700 hundred acres and a perimeter of several miles, Goose Egg Anticline is a challenge for students to comprehend and accurately map. In this setting, models are useful for providing a means to accurately and efficiently assess a large and complex geological structure. All these examples demonstrate how modern drone technology can be implemented with traditional field mapping exercises to provide a greater level of understanding for everyone involved.