GSA Connects 2024 Meeting in Anaheim, California

Paper No. 53-7
Presentation Time: 3:20 PM


MORKNER, Paige1, SCHOOLEY, Catherine2, PANTALEONE, Scott2, SHAY, Jacob2, BAUER, Jennifer1 and STRAZISAR, Brian1, (1)US Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, 1450 Queen Ave SW, Albany, OR 97321, (2)US Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, 1450 Queen Ave SW, Albany, OR 97321; Department of Energy, Support Contractor for the National Energy Technology Laboratory, 1450 SW Queen Ave, Albany, OR 97321

To date, 48 projects, consisting of 139 wells, are currently under review with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program for Class VI – wells used for geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide. The number of applications submitted is expected to increase in coming years with the increase of the 45Q tax credit available to projects that initiate construction prior to 2033. The amount of data collected to submit a Class VI permit is vast, and often disparate, coming from state, federal, and commercial entities, as well as field-specific data collected within an area of interest. When preparing for site selection and permitting, the initial aggregation of relevant public data can be time intensive.

The Carbon Storage Site Mapping Inquiry tool (MapIT) was created to support and accelerate the discovery and accessibility of open-source data and information available across the USA. Data was aggregated and organized based on data types described within the EPA UIC Class VI permit documentation. The online tool enables users to explore hundreds of geospatial data layers and connect to additional external resources, leveraging API and REST services where possible to ensure updates to data in real time. MapIT enables users to explore state and federal data related to geologic, geophysical, structural, hydrologic, and contextual information. In addition to displaying spatial data and linking to external resources, MapIT leverages custom widgets to ensure that internal data and external data are discoverable and accessible. The widgets connect users to resources such as the USGS publications and the USGS Earthquake Catalog based on a user-defined location. This talk will describe data aggregation workflows, data types, data preparation, and tool development for MapIT. The Carbon Storage Site Mapping Inquiry Tool and underlying database are valuable, intuitive resources that empower government, academic, commercial and industry stakeholders to explore, analyze, and acquire carbon storage related data.