GSA Connects 2024 Meeting in Anaheim, California

Paper No. 233-8
Presentation Time: 10:15 AM


BOSA, Ashley1, CRAWFORD, Casey1, PICL, Mallory1, PIERCE, Jennifer, Ph.D1, CREVIER, Justin2, BENSEL, Skye1 and BISHOP, Delaney1, (1)Department of Geosciences, Boise State University, 1910 University Dr, Boise, ID 83725, (2)Department of Physics, Boise State University, 1910 University Drive, Boise, ID 83725-1570

Despite recent efforts to increase DEI in the Geosciences, it remains the least diverse of all STEM fields.There has been little progress in increasing the number of graduate degrees awarded to underrepresented groups, propagating a lack of diversity at both the academic and industry level, creating a social paradox where the absence of community and a sense of belonging creates barriers for entry. To address this issue, a Student Advisory Board (SAB) at Boise State University was created in the Fall 2021 and continues today, with over 20 active student members to date. The SAB seeks to increase inclusive leadership through student-led initiatives which help promote safety and belonging.

Student-led initiatives implemented by the SAB at Boise State University include the formation of a wellness room for prayer, meditation, and respite, formation of a mentorship program for undergraduates, undergraduate and graduate social events, implementation of inclusive and safe field protocols, and the design of visual aids highlighting the diversity and interconnectedness of scientific fields. These multifaceted projects indicate student-led initiatives effectively 1) identify key areas of needed action within departments, and 2) empower student leadership for positive change within departmental graduate and undergraduate communities.

Preliminary results from SAB surveys indicate over half of the 28 undergraduates surveyed felt that academic support, sense of community and cultural aspects were barriers to success or feelings of inclusion. Of the 28 graduate students surveyed, 45% did not feel comfortable voicing concerns in the department. Survey data from field experiences indicate that students' experiences during undergraduate field courses increase student cohort building and authentic field experiences for those involved. Prior to a field trip, the majority of students surveyed noted high stress and anxiety levels regardless of prior experience. However, 100% of all students who responded post-field trip, felt that their field trip experience improved their sense of connection and community with their peers.

We recommend that universities adopt and financially compensate SABs with the goal of fostering inclusive leadership. Empowering students will not only promote inclusivity and diversity, but also increase research productivity and scholarship.