The USGS Geologic Framework of the Intermountain West project has created an extension for the geologic map schema (SIGMa-GeMS), a workflow, and a data delivery system that aims to facilitate the integration of and improve access to geologic data at regional scales. This effort derives from the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program’s goal to develop seamless, integrated digital geologic map data for the Nation. This innovative approach to integrating geologic information synthesizes new and existing geologic mapping into consistent framework models of surficial and bedrock geology. Source metadata and the improved ability to query feature level attribution allows these data to be viewed as thematic layers, which act as examples for users to build their own derivative products. The stratigraphic framework that underpins the geologic mapping is constructed dynamically using a process-based, time-dependent hierarchical classification of map units. This dataset can be integrated with users’ data via GIS hosted feature layers or can be viewed using the Intermountain West Geologic Map Explorer, an ESRI hosted web app that will be updated with new map publications as they are released. This approach to geologic mapping will serve as the foundational dataset for future research projects and assessments of natural and economic resources.