To investigate how high western Anatolia was in the early Miocene, we collected δD data from 14 volcanic glass samples and δ18O data from 18 carbonate samples. Paleowater isotopic compositions were calculated assuming standard isotopic fractionation during precipitation and a 15°C precipitation temperature for CO3. δ18Opaleowater(pw) values range from -6.1 to -12.9‰ and δDpw values of volcanic glass samples range from -113.7 to -68.7‰. A weak negative trend between δD and wt% H2O reflects hydration by dominantly environmental waters instead of magmatic water. The δ18O, δ13C, and microphotographs of alluvial carbonate samples show that these samples are not diagenetic. Volcanic glass samples with wt% H2O> 2 and alluvial carbonate samples were used to calculate paleoelevation. We used a 16 Ma paleosol sample formed in a marginal marine environment as a low-elevation baseline for calculating Miocene paleoelevations. The most negative values of the δ18Opw and δDpw are -13.2‰ and -113.7‰, which yield elevations of 3.6 ± 0.7 and 4.3 ± 0.9 km, respectively. These results from independent isotopic systems confirm that early Miocene topography in western Anatolia was ~3 km higher than the modern. Furthermore, the calculated elevations are consistent with independent estimates based on Airy isostactic considerations. All of these are consistent with the hypothesis that elevated topography posed formidable barriers to faunal dispersion in the early Miocene and may explain the delay in faunal dispersion in western Anatolia. If that is the case, a Miocene-Pliocene decrease in elevation which accompanied extension may have produced faunal migration corridors.