Large element composition variations are observed on the ablated sample surface. As expected, element composition variations show clear mineral control. For example, barite has up to several tens of thousand ppm Sr, compared to several hundred ppm in other phases. Mn is enriched in ankerite (up to 3,000 ppm). In contrast, the shale surrounding the vein is enriched in many critical minerals, such as Sc (up to 10 ppm, compared to <1 ppm in minerals), V (up to 100 ppm, compared to several ppm in minerals), Cr (up to 30 ppm, compared to several ppm in minerals), Co (up to 20 ppm, compared to <1 ppm in minerals), Cu (up to 200 ppm, compared to several ppm in minerals), and Ga (up to 10 ppm, compared to <2 ppm in minerals). Hydrothermal alteration process is likely responsible for the enrichment.
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SNL is managed and operated by NTESS under DOE NNSA contract DE-NA0003525. This project is supported by the U.S. DOE FECM via FWP-23-025668. SAND2024-xxxx