GSA Connects 2024 Meeting in Anaheim, California

Paper No. 234-8
Presentation Time: 10:15 AM


ERIKSSON, Susan, Eriksson Associates LLC, 3248 Albany Terr, Davis, CA 95618

Geoscientists commonly use both quantitative and qualitative data to describe the Earth and its processes. But data can take many forms. This so-called Kentucky Project is the personal project of a geoscientist who has collected various types of data over decades: personal experience, archival historical records, paper and digital maps among others to document a particular place, the edge of the Bluegrass physiologic region abutting the Knobs. These two regions are diverse in geology, landscape, and culture.

Central Kentucky’s Lincoln County is a particularly good space to study the concept of place as various types of data are available. Its recorded history of settlement from 1790 is preserved in its county courthouse; the author’s relationship with the land dates from the 1950’s; and archival and new geologic data are publicly accessible through GIS tools at the Kentucky Geological Survey. The author has built a Storymap of Lincoln County with geology as its central concept. A broad audience, particularly those living in Kentucky, might be interested in this story.