GSA Connects 2024 Meeting in Anaheim, California

Paper No. 59-7
Presentation Time: 3:40 PM


REYES, Julian, Bureau of Land Management, Washington, DC 20240

The mission of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. Amidst a changing climate, the BLM continues to manage public lands for multiple uses while balancing opportunities for commercial, recreational, and conservation activities. Climate change is already impacting public lands, and the BLM is acting to promote healthy and productive public lands for multiple uses to meet the present and future needs of the Nation.

This presentation will highlight multiple ways the BLM is managing climate change impacts including from more severe and longer drought conditions, aridification, and ecological transformation. First, the new Public Lands Rule helps BLM navigate climate change impacts, including drought, through balanced management of our public lands. This includes making informed management decisions based on science, data, and Indigenous Knowledge. Second, the BLM is standing up a climate adaptation program to help integrate climate science and adaptation across programs. This new program will also coordinate and leverage BLM’s climate efforts within the Department of the Interior and across the U.S. government. Third, new tools and resources through a partnership between BLM and Climate Engine help inform planning and decision-making given sustained and unprecedented drought conditions. Finally, a co-production toolkit developed by BLM and partners helps support actionable science efforts. Collectively, these efforts demonstrate BLM is reducing climate risks to effectively and efficiently adapt to climate change, while also ensuring use and enjoyment of public lands and natural resources for future generations.