GSA Connects 2024 Meeting in Anaheim, California

Paper No. 236-9
Presentation Time: 10:40 AM


TROWER, Lizzy and HAGEN, Cedric, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309

Sedimentary rocks formed in lacustrine environments preserve valuable records of continental climate dynamics across Earth history. One of the most important types of these records comprises measurements of stable carbon isotope ratios of calcium carbonate minerals (δ13Ccarb), which have been interpreted as records of rapid climate change events and other environmental changes. However, such regional- and global-scale environmental changes are not the only processes that can drive variations in δ13Ccarb records. We are investigating the consequences of one of these other types of processes—the diurnal engine effect. The diurnal engine describes the daily transition from local carbon cycling dominated by aquatic photosynthetic organisms during the day to carbon cycling dominated by heterotrophy at night. The net effect of this process is that more carbonate precipitates when δ13CDIC is elevated by photosynthesis during the daytime, meaning that bulk δ13Ccarb values of precipitated minerals will tend to more closely match daytime δ13CDIC values rather than daily averages. Although phototrophs and heterotrophs are abundant in most lakes and shallow marine environments, the magnitude of net photosynthetic forcing can vary significantly between and within ecosystems. This forcing affects the magnitude of change in δ13CDIC, so when this forcing is small, δ13Ccarb values closely match the values predicted for carbonate minerals precipitating in equilibrium with average δ13CDIC, a key observation that forms the basis of using δ13Ccarb values as proxies for environmental change. In contrast, when the magnitude of photosynthetic forcing is large, the diurnal engine can lead to large differences (up to ~7‰) between actual and predicted δ13Ccarb values, significantly undermining the interpretative power of this important geochemical proxy. We will present field data and modeling results from Great Salt Lake (UT, USA) that will constrain the magnitude of photosynthetic forcing in this environment, with implications for how we interpret lacustrine δ13Ccarb records.