GSA Connects 2024 Meeting in Anaheim, California

Paper No. 198-3
Presentation Time: 8:00 AM-5:30 PM


CONTRERAS-JOYA, Yarely, Department of Geosciences, Hamilton College, Clinton, NY 13323, ROBERTS, Nicolas, Hamilton College, Department of Geosciences, 198 College Hill Rd, Clinton, NY 13323 and CONDIT, Cailey, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, 819 NW Market St, 4000 15th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98107

We present new rheological constraints on the 96-mile shear zone in Grand Canyon National Park. The 96-mile shear zone is a major crustal-scale structure near the boundary of the Yavapai and Mojave terranes. The kinematics and strain rate on this major fault can provide significant constraints on orogenesis during ~1.4 Ga. The shear zone is made primarily of highly deformed Vishnu schist with 2-10 mm lenses of pure quartz that display textbook evidence for subgrain rotation dynamic recrystallization. The quartz CPO opening angle thermometer indicates a deformation temperature of 450°C, consistent with the microstructure. Grain size paleo piezometery using EBSD-derived grain maps indicate a stress of 122.9 MPa. Strain rate was modeled using several Quartz flow laws with a range of reasonable pressures. These model results show strain rates spread across several orders of magnitude when error propagation is included. The model results center at a strain rate 10-11 s-1. We calculated offset across the shear zone using the relationship between strain rate and shear strain rate, ε = γ/√3. Our results suggest that the offset was on the order of 25 km/m.y. If the shear zone was 30 m wide. This result is very likely an overestimate due to strain localization within quartz bands, but nevertheless they suggest that the 96-mile shear zone was a high-stress, high strain rate structure capable of offsetting a significant portion of the crustal column in a short time frame.