GSA Connects 2024 Meeting in Anaheim, California

Paper No. 165-6
Presentation Time: 9:25 AM


GOODWIN, David, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Denison University, 100 W College Street, Granville, OH 43023 and KRETCHMAR, Matt, Department of Computer Science, Denison University, 100 West College Street, Granville, OH 43023

Stable oxygen isotope profiles from bivalve shell carbonate (δ18Ocarb) have emerged as important archives of past environmental conditions because they record water temperature and isotope variation (δ18Owater). Their utility is predicated on the assumption that bivalves precipitate oxygen isotopes in thermodynamic equilibrium with their environment. Several recent studies, however, have questioned the assumption of equilibrium fractionation in some species. Claims of disequilibrium fraction must be supported by tightly constrained environmental data (i.e., water temperature and δ18Owater), and carefully designed shell sampling strategies. The latter is particularly important when asserting disequilibrium fractionation in different regions of a single shell. In other words, when comparing intra-shell δ18Ocarb values it is essential that samples be contemporaneous and time-averaged to the same degree. Here we employ a high-resolution, two-dimensional, numerical model of a generic venerid shell cross-section to evaluate δ18Ocarb variability of bulk samples collected from different layers of the shell. The model assumes equilibrium fractionation across the entire shell. δ18Ocarb values were calculated from modeled environmental conditions for hourly growth increments “deposited” over a ten-year lifespan. Hourly growth rates were calculated assuming optimal growth temperatures. Ontogenetically declining growth was modeled by incorporating reduced annual growth rates, progressively longer growth cessations, and seasonal changes in food availability. Finally, hourly growth increments, each with a known δ18Ocarb value, were then fit to a logarithmic spiral assuming isometric growth. This procedure generates a 2D shell model with known δ18Ocarb values across the entire cross-section. Bulk samples were then collected from different regions of the shell separated by the pallial line (i.e., inner and outer shell layers). Results suggest that contemporaneous samples, with similar degrees of time-averaging, yield nearly identical δ18Ocarb values. However, non-contemporaneous samples can have δ18Ocarb values that differ by >0.5‰, well outside IRMS error. These data suggest bulk samples from a single shell can yield oxygen isotope values that can easily be mistaken for disequilibrium fractionation.