GSA Connects 2024 Meeting in Anaheim, California

Paper No. 134-3
Presentation Time: 2:10 PM


PADOAN, Lucas1, KARMANN, Ivo2, GRANGER, Darryl E.3, LAUREANO, Fernando Verassani4, GALVÃO, Paulo1, FERRARI, José Antonio5, AULER, Augusto6, ASSUNÇÃO, Pedro Henrique da Silva1, GROVES, Chris7, BLEDSOE, Lee8, SINGER, Autumn8, LOURENÇO, Gabriel1 and TANIKAWA, Wendy1, (1)Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Antônio Carlos, 6.627, Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais 31270-901, Brazil, (2)Instituto de Geociências, Universidade de São Paulo, Rua do Lago, 562, São Paulo, 05508-080, Brazil, (3)Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Purdue University, 550 Stadium Mall Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907, (4)Reparation Directory, Vale S.A., Av. Dr. Marco Paulo Simon Jardim, 3580, Nova Lima, Minas Gerais 34006-270, Brazil, (5)Núcleo de Geociências, Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais, Rua Joaquim Távora, 822, São Paulo, São Paulo 04015-011, Brazil, (6)Instituto do Carste, Carste Ciência Ambiental S.A., Alameda do Ipê Amarelo, 830, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais 31275-090, Brazil, (7)Western Kentucky University, (8)Crawford Hydrology Laboratory, Department Earth, Environmental, and Atmospheric Sciences, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY 42101

Karst areas in Central Brazil are typically developed within Neoproterozoic limestone covered by Cretaceous sandstone. The groundwater flow interaction between these two rock units is poorly understood and quantified, making it difficult to assess precise groundwater budgets and support environmental management decisions in an area where aquifers are highly affected by deforestation and extensive agriculture in one of the world’s largest soy plantations. In this context, a multi-method approach to groundwater conceptual flow modeling was adopted to investigate the São Desidério karst area, where solution conduits in the limestone started to develop in an interstratal (sandstone buried) stage, and are now receiving both diffuse recharge from the sandstone and punctual recharge from sinkholes and blind-valleys in the partially exposed limestone. Spring inventory, hydrochemical and geochemical analysis, cave passage morphology, karst landscape features and geochronological data from cave deposits (cosmogenic 26Al and 10Be, OSL, and U-Th series) are discussed. The major karst spring catchment area receives a perennial and proximal recharge from the sandstone, while intermittent pulses triggered by extreme rain events may connect the system to an upstream watershed, forming a potentially > 80 km long and > 300 m deep groundwater flow route. Where the limestone is exposed to the surface, convergent (dendritic) conduit systems connect allogenic and autogenic streams to alluviated and non-alluviated karst springs close to the base level rivers. Local processes include a rare perennial rhythmic karst spring and sulfuric acid dissolution in the vadose zone by the oxidation of pyrite. The major phases of karst aquifer evolution are: (1) interstratal dissolution at the limestone-sandstone contact since modern regional scale plateau landscape was well stablished in the Oligocene-Miocene transition (≈ 23 Ma); (2) sandstone cover erosive retreat and limestone exposure, leading to the major cave development stage in the Pliocene; (3) base level fluctuations driven by changes in sediment supply, vegetation cover and climate over the last 3 Ma, and consequent burial and alluviation of karst springs; (4) groundwater level fluctuations with > 40 m vertical amplitude and the development of giant groundwater lakes (≈ 12,000 m2) and subaquatic speleothems over the last 6,000 yr.