GSA Connects 2024 Meeting in Anaheim, California

Paper No. 212-3
Presentation Time: 2:10 PM


PENA, Jennifer, GeoFORCE, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78758

Science outreach programs work hard to create educational and fulfilling experiences that have a positive impact on the students they support. However, after putting in the work to inspire students, many programs are missing out on a key component that could assist in the growth and evolution of the program, their alumni. By keeping in touch with alumni through different avenues, such as social media, monthly newsletters, and events, programs are not only keeping that touch point, but also allowing those who fund the program interact with students and see the impact the program has made. By creating events tailored to alumni & their highlights, current and potential donors to the program can be able to see the return on their investment in a very tangible way and possibly interact with students who have benefitted from the program. In the same vein, future students can get a glimpse at what the program can lead to and become more interested in being involved. Beyond donor interaction, alumni themselves can be the biggest support to a program in the long run. Alumni can be the loudest supporters of the program to future students and donors in ways that appear more credible to a broad audience. At the end of the day, alumni are an important pillar in any program’s long-term success. They’re an inspiration to the program, the donors, and future students.