Paper No. 237-14
Presentation Time: 11:30 AM
Channel avulsions on river deltas are the primary means of distributing sediment and building land on the coastline. Many studies have detailed how avulsions generate delta lobes, whereby multiple lobes amalgamate to form a fan-shaped deposit. These studies often assume a steady subsidence and uniform basin depth. In nature, however, lobe building is disrupted by variable subsidence and the progradation of lobes into basins with variable depth, conditions that are prevalent in tectonically active areas. Herein, we explore sediment dispersal and deposition patterns across scales using delta and basin morphology measurements compiled from field surveys and remote sensing, collected over 150 years, from the Selenga Delta (Baikal Rift Zone), Russia. Tectonic subsidence events, associated with earthquakes on normal faults crossing the delta, displace portions of the topset several meters below mean lake level. This allogenic process increases regional river gradient and triggers lobe-switching avulsions. The timescale for these episodes is shorter than the predicted autogenic lobe avulsion timescale. During quiescent periods between subsidence events, channel-scale avulsions occur relatively frequently because of in-channel sediment aggradation, dispersing sediment to regional lows of the delta. Avulsion settings for the Selenga Delta preserve discrete stratal packages that could contain predominately deep channels. Exploring the interplay between tectonic subsidence and sediment accumulation patterns will improve interpretations of stratigraphy from active margins and basin models.