GSA Connects 2024 Meeting in Anaheim, California

Paper No. 213-9
Presentation Time: 3:45 PM


BOMBULUM, Grace, USDA Forest Service, 7680 S Six Shooter Canyon Rd, Globe, AZ 85501

Geology within the Forest Service (FS) serves multiple purposes. The Minerals and Geology Management (MGM) program of the FS operates to effectively meet the needs of the public by helping to achieve the FS mission of "Caring for the Land and Serving People." Geologists in the FS play a crucial role in administering mineral exploration, development and reclamation activities related to federal (government owned) and non-federal (privately-owned) mineral estates according to specific authorities, legislation, rules, and regulations set forth in the General Mining Act of 1872. This law, as amended, governs the prospecting for and the appropriation of metallic and most nonmetallic minerals. FS geologists help facilitate Plans of Operations while also working with other federal and state agencies to complete the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process for each project. This information is needed for ecologically based planning and for implementing a wide range of FS land and resource management activities.

FS geologists not only help facilitate mining operations on FS land, but also manage other roles and responsibilities, which include cave management, overseeing mineral materials, addressing geohazards, handling abandoned mine lands (AML), promoting groundwater stewardship, and organizing public outreach events. Geologists in the FS may also provide other key supporting roles in Wildland Fire Management with opportunities to assist with Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) and Resource Advising (READ). Their critical role advances the agency's mission of caring for the land and serving people by managing the Nation's mineral and geological resources for present and future generations.