GSA Connects 2024 Meeting in Anaheim, California

Paper No. 265-5
Presentation Time: 8:00 AM-5:30 PM


JIMENEZ, Jose1, TODD, Claire1 and KOUTNIK, Michelle2, (1)Geological Sciences, California State University San Bernardino, 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, CA 92407, (2)Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, Box 351310, 070 Johnson Hall, Seattle, WA 98195

Emmons Glacier is a debris-covered glacier which is situated on the northeastern side of Mount Rainier, WA. The glacier surface is bare ice or surface snow at higher elevations but is debris-covered in the lower elevation ablation zone. Thick debris-cover on glaciers has been known to reduce ice melt but current climate conditions along with a thin debris-cover have led to increased surface melting. Understanding how debris cover influences glacier melt is important for understanding how Mount Rainier glaciers will continue to evolve. This study addresses whether significant elevation change in the lower ablation area of Emmons Glacier corresponds with significant changes in debris-cover morphology; we expect that elevation change is linked to variations in debris cover. We import high-resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) surveyed by the National Park Service in 2021 and a Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) topographic survey collected in October 2007/2008 into ArcGIS Pro to investigate glacier change. We can use these data to calculate changes in surface elevation and glacier volume using spatial analysis tools such as DEM differencing, Surface Volume, Geomorphon Landforms, and geostatistical interpolation. To complete DEM differencing, we subtract the 2007/8 surface from the 2021 surface to obtain a difference map which shows us areas where the glacier surface has thickened and thinned. We use the difference map to calculate the volume loss between the surface and a flat reference plane set at zero elevation. Geomorphon analysis classifies landforms elements into 10 common types such as peaks, ridges, valleys, and spurs, using elevation difference analysis around specific points. Applying this analysis to DEMs from 2007/2008 and 2021 shows geomorphological changes over the 13-year period. We also use geostatistical interpolation which estimates thickness of debris cover by analyzing spatial patterns and predictions of our in-situ surface rock debris to glacier ice depth data. Our preliminary results suggest that volume loss and surface deflation correspond with areas of thin debris and geomorphic change. DEM differencing indicates a consistent pattern of ice loss in the lower ablation zone. Geomorphic changes over the last 13 years show significant shifts in debris cover and glacier morphology.