Through a mass balance framework, we quantify the fluxes of dissolved material and dust for two carbonate hilltop sites in central Arizona (site MT1; mean annual precipitation = 450 mm/yr) and south-east Spain (NQ; mean annual precipitation = 550 mm/yr). In this conceptual model, chemical weathering of bedrock produces fine sediment (<2 mm), insoluble oxides and residual material, whereas mechanical weathering produces lithic clasts (> 2mm). Concentrations of cosmogenic 36-Chlorine in hilltop bedrock samples and amalgamated clasts constrain their respective mass fluxes. The clasts are assumed to share the erosion rate of the measured bedrock sample, and their 36-Chlorine concentrations are used to quantify the maximum additional exposure that they could have accumulated since eroding. The fine sediment flux, which is a combination of the insoluble products of bedrock dissolution and dust, is estimated by the concentration of meteoric 10-Beryllium in hillslope sediments <2mm. The proportion of dissolved material flux to the flux of insoluble fraction is set by the bedrock carbonate mineral composition.
Bedrock fluxes (Fbr) at NQ were 29.9±7.0 g m-2 yr-1 and 20.0±4.0 g m-2 yr-1 at MT1. Fine sediment fluxes were 12±1% of Fbr at NQ and 33±2% of Fbr at MT1, part of which was attributed to dust flux, which for NQ was 8±2% of Fbr and for MT1 was 28±6%. Coarse sediment flux was 8±2% and 12±3% of Fbr at NQ and MT1, respectively. Dissolved flux at NQ (88% of Fbr; 26±7 g m-2 yr-1) is higher than at MT1 (83%; 16±4 g m-2 yr-1). These estimates of dissolved fluxes indicate that even in arid regions like central Arizona, chemical erosion could account for more than 50% of mass flux from landscapes.