GSA Connects 2024 Meeting in Anaheim, California

Paper No.
Presentation Time: 12:15 PM

Limits to Growth—Revisiting Concepts of Natural Resource Scarcity, Supply Chains, and Sustainability

MEINERT, Lawrence, Colorado School of Mines, Golden

As we transition to a green economy there is increasing focus on the sustainability and environmental consequences of the use of natural resources. Energy and mineral resources are literally the building blocks of modern civilization and are critical to emerging issues such as climate change and environmental justice. One cannot address efforts to de-carbonize the world economy without considering the resulting increased need for critical mineral resources such as copper, lithium, and rare earth elements. In fact, most nations now have official lists of critical minerals deemed essential for meeting society’s requirements. The world is changing—in the previous three years China consumed more concrete than the US did in more than a century, and supply chain disruptions are now part of daily life. How do we understand these shifts and meet future needs? Dr. Meinert is uniquely positioned to address these important resource issues based on a lifetime of academic, industry, and government leadership.