Perpetua’s focus on environmental restoration might be viewed as novel for a mining company. But, in reality, it is an integral component of mining responsibly. Abandoned mines dot the United States, marring landscapes and more often than not, are accompanied by vast and costly environmental liabilities.
Redevelopment of a legacy site not only offers risks, but also opportunities. We have an opportunity to prove that mining in the 21st century is different. We can repair the legacy of the past and rebuild trust with community partners in the process. At Perpetua Resources, we believe that the future of responsible American mining lies in places like Stibnite, which can inspire us to change the paradigm.
And simply put, re-mining at Stibnite just makes good business sense.
- It’s a gold project, in that the gold will drive our economics funding the legacy restoration.
- It’s an antimony project, because we will produce the only known economic source of the critical mineral antimony nationwide.
- It’s a project that will benefit our communities, in that it will provide hundreds of good-paying, stable jobs for the lifespan of the mine, and the years of restoration that follow.
- And it’s a brownfield restoration project, because we will comprehensively clean up an abandoned mine site and leave a part of Idaho better than it is today.
Proof Through Action Now: ASAOC
And we aren’t waiting to get started. Before mining even begins, we are today – right now – working to restore the site. This is part of a CERCLA agreement we voluntarily entered into in 2021 with the EPA and the U.S. Forest Service, allowing us to begin addressing legacy environmental challenges now without inheriting the liability for the conditions left behind by past operators.
This clean-up work has allowed us to show our communities and stakeholders exactly who we are. We are putting not only our money where our mouth is, but our integrity, company culture, and business ethos, and making good on our word.
We are committed to solving the legacies left behind at Stibnite by Restoring the Site.