Joint 120th Annual Cordilleran/74th Annual Rocky Mountain Section Meeting - 2024

Paper No. 2-2
Presentation Time: 8:20 AM


SNÆBJÖRNSDÓTTIR, Sandra1, HELGASON, Kári1, SIGFUSSON, Bergur1, DAVIDSON, Casie2 and SCHAEF, Todd2, (1)Carbfix, Hofdabakki 9C, Reykjavik, Reykjavik 110, Iceland, (2)Energy & Environment Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, 99354

Carbon dioxide (CO2) storage through mineralization offers a safe and permanent storage of captured CO2: By targeting mafic or ultra mafic rock formations the injected CO2 is rapidly transformed into solid carbonate minerals. Carbfix completed a field demonstration in Iceland in 2012, showing near complete mineralization of the injected CO2 within two years. Carbfix has since then continued advancing their technology and has currently injected over 100 kilotons of CO2 in four locations in Iceland – both captured from point sources as well as directly from the atmosphere through direct air capture (DAC) facilities. Building on over a decade experience in project development and execution, Carbfix has ambitious goals to accelerate implementation of this CO2 storage approach in the United States, and has entered into a strategic partnership with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), a leader in mineral storage research and the only other entity worldwide that has to date demonstrated successfully mineral storage of CO2 in basaltic rocks: In 2013, PNNL led the Wallula Field Demonstration project, injecting CO2 into the deep layered basalts of the Columbia River Basalt Group (CRBG) of Eastern Washington State, revealing ~60% mineralization 24 months after injection. The storage potential of the CRBG has been estimated to be on the order of hundreds to thousands of Gigatons of CO2. Currently, Carbfix and PNNL are collaborating on clean energy projects across the United States, covering different aspects of the development and implementation of CO2 mineralization. We present the aim of these projects, their current status and how they contribute to the path from feasibility to eventual commercialization, identifying both challenges and opportunities.