In 2019, the 86th Texas Legislature directed the TWDB to: (1) complete a statewide suitability survey of ASR and AR, (2) conduct studies on ASR and AR projects, and (3) report the results of these studies to the regional water planning groups and interested persons. The statewide suitability survey was completed in 2020 and created a methodology for surveying ASR and AR suitability across Texas.
In 2022, IWT staff completed an aquifer characterization of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer to support the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority in their implementation of the ASR component of their Mid-Basin Water Supply Project. This study provided valuable spatial information on the depth, lithologic characteristics, and salinity of the aquifer that will be used to select the location for the project.
The second study was a longevity assessment of the City of Bandera’s public water supply wells. This project was completed in 2023 to support the city in their evaluation of water levels in the lower Trintiy aquifer. The predicted potential performance of the existing city wells during benchmark production scenarios will inform the development of a timeline for implementing ASR. This project also provides aquifer information such as projected drawdown depths that will be beneficial to planning an ASR project.
IWT staff are currently working on a managed aquifer paper and recharge suitability analysis. The paper is examining ASR and AR in the karstic Edwards and Trinity aquifer systems, highlights ASR and AR projects along the IH-35 corridor, and discusses the driving factors, challenges, and opportunities these projects encounter. IWT staff are also assessing the suitability of ASR or AR for the Lower Valley Water District (LVWD) using reclaimed water from the district’s new wastewater treatment facility that is currently in development. This project builds upon the statewide suitability survey with a more targeted examination of the Hueco Bolson Aquifer.