Wtotal = Wfault prop + Wint. deformation + Wfriction + Wgravity
This work balance model suggests multiple faults form due to strain hardening increasing the work of friction, as forming multiple faults requires more work (Wfault prop.) than forming a single fault. However, diffusional processes and fluids lead to strain softening, both of which are found within many thrust faults.
Recent research on modified work models indicate a different driver of fault generation—the gravitational work of moving a tapered wedge over a frontal ramp, where the work of gravity increases with each increment of slip. Because the orogenic wedge is thicker towards the hinterland, each increment of slip forward along the fault requires progressively more gravitational lifting.
Here, we present data from analogue sandbox modeling that illustrates the role of gravity on the deformation of a critically tapered wedge and the formation of faults. These experiments show that when a critically tapered wedge is thrust over a frontal ramp, the work of gravitational lifting is lower when multiple faults are allowed to form and higher when only a single fault forms. These results also indicate a connection between the shape of an orogenic wedge and the spacing between faults within that wedge, as a higher critical taper increases the favorability of forming new faults instead of slipping on existing faults.