Paper No. 11
Presentation Time: 11:50 AM
The first people to visibly disperse into North America were not in a social, technological, or economic steady-state. They must have been "unstable" in technology, social organization, settlement choices, subsistence, etc., because they were often on the move, exploring and settling and abandoning landscapes, growing in population size and then shrinking due to emigration or local die-outs, and always reacting to the climate-driven need to change behavior over time and space. Archeological evidence shows that human populations did not progress through the continent as a wave-front, with demographic saturation behind the front. Humans entered different subregions and localities, often abandoned them, then re-colonized and re-abandoned some of them at the end of the Pleistocene. An understanding of the dynamic archeological features of North Americas first dispersing human presence may help define new general theories of colonization that should apply to modern humans expanding their ranges anywhere in the Upper Pleistocene world.
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