XVI INQUA Congress

Paper No. 7
Presentation Time: 10:50 AM


SHOPOV, Yavor Y., Faculty of Physics, Univ of Sofia, James Baucher 5, Sofia, 1164, Bulgaria, YYShopov@phys.uni-sofia.bg

Potential, resolution and limitations of high resolution speleothem records of Paleotemperature, Past Precipitation, Paleosoils, Paleoseismics, Past Precipitation, Rock displacement, Solar Insolation, Solar Luminosity, Geomagnetic field, Plants Populations, Chemical Pollutions, Air Composition, Glaciations, Sea Level advances, Advances of Hydrothermal Waters, Cosmic Rays Flux variations, Cosmogenic Isotopes production and Supernova Eruptions in the Past, Advances of Hydrothermal Waters, and Techtonic Uplift are discussed. It is demonstrated that speleothems allow extremely high resolution (higher than in any other paleoclimatic terrestrial archives) and long duration of records. Some speleothems can be used as natural climatic stations for obtaining of proxy records of Quaternary climates with annual resolution. Once formed speleothems preserve this records and they can be read by different techniques. Speleothems are formed at almost constant temperature and humidity and remain unaltered with time. They allow reading their records with remarkably high resolution. So speleothems appear to be one of the best paleoenvironmental archives.

Financial support from the INQUA Executive Committee