Paper No. 19
Presentation Time: 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
VAN HUISSTEDEN, J. and VAN DEN BOS, R.M., Environmental Geosciences, Vrije Universiteit, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, De Boelelaan 1085, Amsterdam, 1081 HV, Netherlands,
The management of peatlands has a large effect on the carbon balance of these areas. Since medieval times the coastal peat areas in the Netherlands have been drained for agriculture. However, plans exist to convert parts of these peatlands back into wetland nature reserves by raising water levels again. Since drainage began, the Dutch coastal peat areas became a source of CO
2. On the other hand, raising of the groundwater level may turn these areas in a source of CH
4, which is more effective as a greenhouse gas than CO
PEATLAND is a process-based model of CO2 and CH4 emission from peat soils at various management scenarios. PEATLAND includes CO2 and CH4 production from different soil organic matter reservoirs, including the peat substrate of the soil. CO2 production is modelled using first order decomposition rates. The decomposition constants are influenced by the environmental factors temperature, soil aeration, soil moisture and pH. The CH4 emission includes production from fresh organic matter, methane oxidation in the soil, and transport by diffusion, through plant roots and bubbles. Both submodels are linked to a primary production model. The model is validated using closed chamber flux measurements at three sites in the Netherlands.
The model results indicate interesting links between CO2 and CH4 production in cases of a seasonally fluctuating water table. The CH4 production during high water table periods is suppressed by aerobic decomposition of fresh organic matter reservoirs during low water table periods. In case of a winter-high, summer-low water table regime CH4 flux peaks occur in spring and autumn. High CH4 emission only occurs after a considerable raise of the water table. In some cases this may cause a net increase of the greenhouse gas flux (expressed in CO2 equivalents) in spite of a decreased CO2 flux.
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